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One of the most important responsibilities of the ŽNO is the establishment of cemeteries. (Bej ha olam- house of life). The dead could not be allowed to remain without a place of final rest. A funeral is a way to show respect. The Jews believe that the dead go to Sheol, which is the world of the dead, some say that the dead live on with the Lord. In the Jewish culture there is no holiday like Dušičky. It is common to visit a relative's resting place several times a year to pray and lay small stones on the grave in some communities, even with a tuft of grass. It is a way to honor the memory of the grand ancestor Jakub, who, at the funeral of his wife Rachel, placed a twig on the surface so that she could protect herself from the wild beast in the realm of the dead, or that she could use it as a walking cane. Jews do not put bouquets and candles on the graves like Christians. Laying stones on the grave is a well-known custom, which persists to this day. It is a sign that they think of the deceased and pray for their souls. The stones are a testament to the memory of the deceased while renouncing the Kadish prayer. When the family is dying out, the grave has no stones, so others will place stones on an abandoned grave as a sign of respect. Disturbing the peace of the dead is unthinkable because the dead belong to the ground in which they were placed. It is not allowed to move the body. Exhumation of the body is allowed only in exceptional cases. The place of burial is marked with a tombstone, the inscription on it contains the Hebrew name of the deceased, and the date when he died according to the Jewish calendar or the secular calendar. The tombstone can be decorated with patterns and pictures related to the profession or the name of the person. In the past, the tombstone also contained the contributions which this person has made. Currently the tombstones are much simpler, only containing the phrase: Tihje nafsho / nafshah crura bi-cror ha-chajim - translated, let his / her soul be attached to the bundle of the living.

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